Saturday, July 11, 2009

Succumbing to Pressure

After successfully achieving my objective of changing money and wary about how much I might persuade myself I could afford to buy if I did any more shopping I went to the RS restaurant and sat downstairs. I ordered a sort of cream cheese sandwich that looked and tasted great. I did notice that whenever the guy who was preparing the food left his station the table would be raided by little stripey squirrel like animals and birds.

I went back to the Sai Baba Guest House and my host was immediately keen to know if I had now got enough cash to purchase the tola. I compromised on half the tola and that seemed to be OK. I retired to my room, probably sampled some and listened to the radio while I sorted out and packed away my latest purchases.

I went out to dinner at the R S Restaurant. It was so cheap. The menu was also superb (exclusively vegetarian, of course) and I ordered a few dishes and a few others. What I got was a huge amount of food! Some of the dishes I had thought were probably side dishes were main course size. I ate as much as I could and that was probably too much. I did as well as I could to cover the fact that I had over ordered. When I asked for the bill the waiter came and identified each of the dishes I had on the table and wrote a column of single digit figures. I could see what they were and when the list was complete I told him the total was 22 rupees. The waiter looked at me incredulously and took out a calculator. Within a few seconds he confirmed the total was 22 rupees and said in an impressed tome "Good calculation, Baba!".

And so I retired to bed.